The FXLC95000CL motion-sensing platform from Freescale Semiconductor (Austin, TX) integrates a MEMS accelerometer and a powerful 32-bit ColdFire V1 CPU associated with 16K RAM and 128K flash memory, a master SPI and I2C bus, and external differential analog inputs. These are the key hardware components that transform FXLC95000CL into an efficient and versatile sensor hub. Other features include:
· Capability of concurrently interfacing and managing almost any type of sensor, digital or analog (i.e. pressure sensors, magnetometers, gyroscopes, and humidity sensors).
· Open programming environment for customer-specific applications and algorithms.
· Easily managed sensor inputs for calibration, compensation, and sensor functions to be offloaded from the application processor.
For more information on the FXLC95000CL motion-sensing platform, visit