Operators like Comcast and DIRECTV who are in the 4K game will have another competitor for ultra HD eyeballs starting in April. It’ll come by way of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, which revealed this week that its new 4K ultra HD movie streaming service, Ultra, will debut April 4 on new Sony 4K TV models in the United States.
The price tag for each film might keep some from binge-watching. For $30 a pop, films available will include “Concussion,” “The Night Before,” “The Walk” and “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” (in 4K with HDR).
“Consumers are rapidly upgrading their living rooms to 4K, and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment’s new Ultra streaming service will provide a premium viewing experience to satisfy growing demand for 4K movies and television shows,” Jake Winett, VP, consumer services and advanced platforms at the company says.
Determining exactly what the 4K demand is currently remains a murky endeavor for service providers. However, a study from IHS released at the end of last year predicted approximately one-third of all U.S. households will have 4K TVs in 2019.
Using the Sony Pictures Store (www.sonypicturesstore.com), Ultra will offer a variety of movies for purchase and playback in 4K ultra HD, with many including high dynamic range (HDR) and digital extras at no additional charge. Consumers who buy eligible Sony 4K televisions with Ultra this summer will receive four free movies when they sign up for the service.