The AirLink XR90 router from Sierra Wireless lets tablets and equipment connect to the cloud through cellular or Wi-Fi networks.
Vehicles such as police cars, fire trucks, buses, and trains need connectivity, whether for connecting to a central station for emergency purposes or for riders. The AirLink XR90 5G Multi-Network Vehicle Router from Sierra wireless lets you connect just about anything to the cloud or central station over cellular 5G, 4G, 3G, and Wi-Fi networks.
Powered from 7 V to 36 V DC, the XR90 lets you connect devices over four wired Ethernet ports, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz or 5 GHz). It accepts two SIM cards, letting you connect to two cellular networks for aggregate data rates or for backup. Dual SIMs let you connect one 5G and one 4G network, or two 5G networks, depending on model. Each cellular radio supports 4×4 MIMO in 5G FR1 frequency band. When using a single 5G configuration, a fifth wired Ethernet port is available.
The XR90 has two Wi-Fi networks, one for connecting to remote devices (LAN) and another operating as a WAN for connecting to another Wi-Fi network. The WAN link lets you download large amounts of data during fixed indoor use without the need for a cellular connection.
An LPWA radio can provide initial connectivity from the router to a network before cellular connectivity is established. From that connection, you can perform administrative and configuration work. The initial connectivity eliminates any loss of connectivity until the cellular radio takes over.
Sierra Wireless provides its AirLink OS that lets you configure the XR90 with data rules. These rules let you control traffic flows, particularly in the case where the unit is operating with two WAN connections. For example, you might configure the unit to pass video only when connected using the WAN Wi-Fi, but not on a cellular connection.