Encouraged by the response to its first two second screen apps associated with specific shows, AMC is releasing a third, this one launching in conjunction with the premiere of the third season of “The Killing.”
“The Killing: Story Sync” will be available on computers, tablets and mobile devices at: TheKillingStorySync.com. AMC previously offered Story Sync apps with “The Walking Dead” and “Breaking Bad.”
Mac McKean, AMC’s senior vice president of digital media, said, “We know a significant portion of our audience is engaging in social media and other second screen applications while they watch these shows, so our goal with ‘Story Sync’ is to offer the best experience possible with authentic elements carefully integrated with the creative on television.”
“The Killing: Story Sync” app has features that include access to media on the smartphone of Bullet, a new character in the show, along with crime scene and evidence photos, documents related to the investigation and the case, and views of crime evidence. AMC said users will be able to test their own observational powers by attempting to answer timely questions testing their knowledge of evidence and show events and weigh in on the case via targeted polls.