Calix continues to roll in broadband stimulus funds, in the past week picking up several new accounts with stimulus awards in hand, including two service providers in New Mexico, one in Kentucky, and three in Kansas.
In New Mexico, Penasco Valley Telecommunications(PVT) and La Jicarita Rural Telephone Cooperative (La Jicarita) are both preparing to run fiber toward unserved communities.
In aggregate, these awards amount to more than $21.4 million in overall funds and consist of $13.1 million in grants and $8.4 million in loans which include plant engineering, materials, labor, and other costs, including access equipment, Calix said.
Separately, West Kentucky and Tennessee Telecommunications Cooperative (WK&T) has selected the Calix B6 Ethernet Service Access Nodes (ESANs) and the 700GE family of optical network terminals (ONTs) for its Fiber Forward initiative across western Kentucky and Tennessee. WK&T has $62 million in Broadband Stimulus award money and a matching amount in loans.
WK&T is aiming to deliver up to one 1 Gbps to its subscribers. Upon completion, this deployment will be one of the nation’s largest Active Ethernet deployments, bringing advanced IPTV services, extremely fast data services, and high-quality voice services to 21,000 homes and 99 community institutions such as schools, libraries and public buildings across a nine-county service area, Calix said.
In Kansas, H&B Communications, Inc. (H&B), JBN Telephone Company, Inc. (JBN), and Home Communications, Inc. (HCI) will all be using Ethernet eXtensible Architecture (EXA) Powered Calix access platforms and the 700GE/GX family of optical network terminal (ONTs) to bring advanced broadband services to their rural subscribers.
In aggregate, the awards from these three amount to more than $13.5 million in overall funds and consist of $8.3 million in grants, $3.6 million in loans, and $1.6 million in matching funds.