While a lot of manufacturers have “design” tools to help you choose their parts, there are also other useful tools out there. Some, like Appcad, were just tools without trying too hard to sell you anything. Appcad is still available www.hp.woodshot.com and the current version 4.0.0 is really version 3.0.2 with the branding changed. I […]
Basics of induction
Building on the work of others, particularly Humphry Davy, Hans Christian Ørsted and Alessandro Volta, English researcher Michael Faraday formulated his Law of Electromagnetic Induction. This most basic…
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Understanding charge storage in semiconductors
While we are all probably familiar with the concept of capacitors storing charge, remember that semiconductors do so as well. This may not be an issue for your design or it could be a major headache, depending on the application. With bipolar transistors, charge storage in the base when the transistor is saturated will slow […]
Basics of interferometers
Interferometers figure prominently in the history of experimental physics. They were at the heart of the Michelson-Morley Experiment of 1887 that attempted unsuccessfully to detect the existence of…
The post Basics of interferometers appeared first on Test & Measurement Tips.
Temperature sensors: IoT tilts balance from traditional devices to chips
by Majeed Ahmad Temperature sensors come in a number of mechanical, electrical and solid-state electronics forms and are widely used in industrial, consumer, medical, automotive and computing segments. Take the case of an engineer who is using an analog temperature sensor—a thermistor—to monitor a fish aquarium – a mature application with a predictable temperature range. […]
How to choose an operational amplifier: what you need to know
Choosing an opamp for a particular task can sometimes be simple but at other times, you will have a lot of conflicting requirements which makes choosing more of a challenge. Also, the number of opamps available now is huge so it can take a while to work your way through the options from different manufacturers. […]
How much math do you need to know to design electronics?
Education for electronics design tends to have a fair amount of math in it but how much is really required nowadays in order to design electronics? You certainly…
The post How much math do you need to know to design electronics? appeared first on Analog IC Tips.
Serial EEPROM – A great form of non-volatile storage
by Jon Wilder Most PIC microcontrollers have some form of non-volatile EEPROM on chip. However, the largest I’ve seen is 1KB available on the 18F series. There are many applications in which we may need a great deal more than this. The storage you don’t have For instance, what if we have a MIDI device […]
Basics of quartz crystal oscillators
Some materials acquire an electrical charge when they are compressed or otherwise dimensionally stressed. They are said to exhibit the piezoelectric effect. If the property is to be manifest on any but an atomic level, the material must be a crystal, with the atoms organized in a lattice. The piezoelectric effect was first described in […]
Basics of analog-to-digital converters
We straddle two realms, analog and digital. The output of a sensor, musical instrument, the human voice, and most of the signals that originate in the real world are analog. Today most information processing is digital. This works well in terms of audio and video quality, but analog data must be converted by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) […]