Chroma Systems Solutions announced the release of their new 19055 Series of Hipot Analyzers. Chroma’s 19055-C not only includes ac-dc hipot and Insulation Resistance (IR) tests but also adds a new measurement technology; Corona Discharge Detection (CDD). In Discharge Level Analysis (DLA) mode the user can specify the, Corona Discharge Start Voltage (CSV), Flashover Start Voltage (FSV), and Breakdown Voltage (BDV).
Applications that benefit include electric motors, transformers, capacitors, photocouplers and insulation materials. The Discharge Level Analysis function in Chroma’s 19055-C provides valuable data to verify component insulation and insulation materials. Discharge in electrical components such as motors, transformers and capacitors gradually damage the insulation or adjacent components inside these devices, leading to premature product failure. For example, Corona discharge is typically an early symptom of an impending breakdown. In electric motors, corona detection can be used for turn-to-turn or turn-to-ground tests to avoid insulation failure from corona discharge. DLA mode will indicate and report the withstanding voltage dependent on the limit levels of corona, flashover and breakdown allowing for improvements to insulation thereby increasing the quality of the product.