Consumers’ ravenous need for speed seems unrelenting as Internet connected devices proliferate, and that means Mbps-boosting news from ISPs just keeps coming as well.
Comcast announced today it is the introducing a new Performance Pro speed tier of 100 Mbps and Blast Pro speed tier of 200 Mbps for both new and existing customers in its California region. Many customers will automatically be upgraded to either Performance Pro, increasing their download speeds from 75 Mbps to 100 Mbps, or Blast Pro, increasing their speeds from 150 Mbps to 200 Mbps.
The new speeds and tiers will be available to new and “the vast majority of existing customers” starting tomorrow, according to Comcast. Customers subscribing to eligible bundles will receive the new Pro speeds, and their speeds will increase by 33 percent.
To get the new speeds, customers need to restart their modems. The operator is notifying its subscribers who may need to upgrade modems. Customers who lease modems from Comcast will be able to receive upgraded equipment at no additional charge, but modem owners may need to buy new equipment to receive the speed boost.