Heilind Electronics announces it has strengthened its HARTING line of connector and cabling solutions, network components and RFID systems with the HARTING Han-Modular series of connectors.
The Han-Modular is designed for combining different transmission media — power, signal and data — into one connector. The multifaceted system of inserts, contacts, hoods and housings, frames and accessories work together to fulfill a versatile range of application requirements. Customers can choose from over 100 different modules, which are suitable for many different transmission media and cover various termination techniques.
“Our customers are continually looking for customizable solutions for their designs. The wide spectrum of HARTING Han-Modular connectors we distribute provides them with a high degree of connectivity and manufacturing flexibility,” said Thomas Eder, Supplier Business Manager, Heilind Electronics.
Key benefits of the Han-Modular series include space savings, low maintenance, design flexibility and future-proofing modular connector designs.