For customers looking for a spring way to connect a Mill-Max
spring-loaded connector to a wire or cable, Mill-Max is pleased to announce two
new innovative designs.
Mill-Max’s 0962 spring pin offers the advantages of both a
compression spring connection on one end and a wire termination on the other. The
0.042-in. diameter plunger performs with the same typical reliability Mill-Max
customers have come to expect with any of its spring pin products. Rated at one
million cycles minimum, it is as robust as any spring pin offered anywhere. It
has the unique feature of a crimp-barrel tail that can accommodate stranded or
solid copper wires up to 22 gage.
Plated with 20µ in. of gold over nickel on each precision-machined
component and 10?µ in. of gold over nickel on the beryllium copper spring, the
0962 is as durable as it is multi-faceted.
If soldering is preferred, Mill-Max’s 0933 is the perfect
choice. With all the reliability characteristics of the 0962, the 0933 has the
proven solder-cup design utilized by numerous Mill-Max pins and receptacles and
can accommodate up to 22 gage stranded wire or solid copper wires.