During its board meeting earlier this week, the CTAM Educational Foundation’s board of directors elected new directors and welcomed three new corporate patrons.
The foundation oversees the Cable Executive Management at Harvard Business School, also known as CTAM U., which is being held June 5-10 in Boston.
CTAM U.’s mission is to deliver a world-class management development experience for high-potential cable and media executives in a business school environment. CTAM said attendees benefit from an intensive week of thinking and learning focused on business strategy, management and marketing principles to ready them for the next generation of challenges.
The new members elected to the board were: Carol Hevey, executive vice president at Time Warner Cable; Mike Hopkins, president of affiliate sales and marketing at Fox Networks Group; Tom McMillin, executive vice president and chief operations officer at Suddenlink Communications; Scott Mills, president and chief operating officer at BET Networks; and Bill Myers, president and chief operations officer at Starz Entertainment.
The board also welcomed three new organizations to the foundation as corporate patrons at different levels and recognized one current patron for upgrading to a higher level.
They are: Shaw Communications (Gold Level), Suddenlink Communications (upgraded to the Silver Level), Liberty Global (Bronze Level) and Tribune Media Services (Bronze Level).
Corporate patrons are guaranteed reserved seats in all future Cable Executive Management at Harvard Business School classes and granted the first right of refusal on additional available seats via the priority waiting list.