XP Power today introduced the MTC35 and MTC50 series of commercial off the shelf (COTS) 35 W and 50 W DC-DC converters aimed at a broad range of military vehicle and avionics applications. These extremely robust and encapsulated board mounted modules accommodate a wide input range from 10 to 40 VDC, and can handle transients up to 50 VDC for up to 100 ms. Single output modules are available with + 3.3, + 5, + 12, + 15 or + 28 VDC outputs and can be adjusted between -20% and +10% via an external trim pin.
When used in conjunction with XP Power’s DSF, FSO or MTF series of standard EMI filter modules, the MTC series comply with MIL-STD 1275A/B/C/D and MIL-STD 704A standards for surges and transients, and MIL-STD 461E/F for conducted emissions and susceptibility. The units meet the environmental MIL-STD 810F specification that covers shock, vibration, humidity, temperature, salt spray and altitude.
With its baseplate cooling, the converters are suitable for use across a wide range of operating temperature from – 40 to the maximum case temperature of + 100 degrees C. Unit startup is possible from as low as – 55 degrees C. Control and signal pins provide the ability to inhibit output, provide thermal warning and converter shutdown, and synchronise converter frequency to an external source in the 400 – 500 KHz range. Remote sense compensates for up to a 0.5 VDC drop on the output.
XP Power provides a comprehensive range of COTS DC-DC converters from 5 W to 150 W. More information on the whole range of military power supply products available can be found here: https://www.xppower.com/productSelection.php?groupid=100061&lang=EN
Prices range from $125.00 for the MTC35 to $139.00 for the MTC50 in 500 unit quantities and are available direct from XP Power.