ITS America’s “Best of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Awards” is still looking for submissions to its annual competition. The awards, held June 12, as part of the ITS AAmerica 2016 conference, recognizes organizations that have implemented the most advanced transportation projects in the transportation and technology industry.
In 2016, ITS America will award a Best Partnership Project winner in three categories:
Wheels & Things focuses on all “things” using, altering or creating new intelligent transportation system technologies. The car, the bike, the bus, the metro, the truck, the train, even the drone + Connectivity + Interaction = Smart City. What are the policy issues around security? People who want to move and stuff that needs to be moved self-identify, broadcast, and serve as passive information generators within the network.
The Infrastructure of Things focuses on all the “stuff” the “wheels & things” interact with. The physical hardware—lights and poles, signs, medians, and loops. The network backbone. Wireline. Wireless 4G, 5G, DSRC, LTE, LTE-Direct. The “middleware”—the glue—of the intelligent transportation system. What will traffic management look like? What is scalable? What are the technical security issues? How will deep learning create “new” infrastructure?
Show Me The Money! focuses on what the future ITS backend will look like? It’s the cloud? Who’s cloud? Seamless payment systems, billing, customer relationship management, identity, network management. What are app developers thinking? What’s happening in traditional insurance? In financing? Public agencies taking on private ideas. It’s the money—private and public—making it all happen.
The awards program aims to distinguish organizations whose projects demonstrate specific and measurable outcomes and exemplify innovation.
Winning Projects Featured at “Best of ITS Showcase”
Winners will be announced at the “Best of ITS Showcase & State DOT Reception,” co-sponsored by Econolite and Kapsch, on Sunday, June 12, 5:00-6:30 p.m. PDT. The event immediately follows the “State DOT Policy Roundtable,” sponsored by HNTB, slated for Sunday, June 12, 3:00-4:45 p.m. Top finalists will receive tabletop space to set up a display highlighting their winning project. During the showcase and reception, guests, including state DOT officials, will be invited to tour the displays to learn more about each project.
About ITS America 2016
ITS America 2016 San Jose, a new show representing this transformative moment in intelligent transportation, is built around the theme “Integrated Mobility. Transportation Redefined.” Each day of the three-day conference has its own focus:
- “#THISisITS Making It Work,” on Sunday, June 12, features pre-show public-private partnership and investment opportunities, highlighted by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s “Accelerating ITS Deployment Day” workshop.
- “Wheels & Things” rolls in on Monday, June 13. Sponsored by Xerox, the day revolves around all things using, altering or creating new ITS technology.
- “The Infrastructure of Things” is on Tuesday, June 14. Sponsored by Lear, the day is built around all the stuff that interacts with wheels and things.
- “Show Me The Money!” on Wednesday, June 15, will feature venture capitalists and the changing business models disrupting the “transportation” landscape.
All submissions are due to ITS America by COB Friday, May 20, 2016. Use the subject line “ATTN: Rachel Rettberg – Best of ITS Awards” and email your entry to
For more information on the award competition, visit
For ITS America 2016 San Jose schedule and session information, visit