Deluxe is the company providing mastering and encoding services for a number of Hollywood movies available on Samsung’s UHD Video Pack, a hard drive loaded with UHD content that Samsung is giving away with some of its 2014 Samsung UHD TVs.
Every move to a new video format has a chicken-and-egg element to it. What comes first – the content or the player? Samsung is running an end-around the question by providing content to people who buy its 4K TVs through June 30. Bundled on the drive are five feature-length films and three documentaries: Night at the Museum; X-Men Origins: Wolverine; The Counselor; GI Joe: Retaliation; World War Z; The Last Reef; Grand Canyon Adventure; Cappadocia.
The company said it is working directly with the studios to ensure UHD content is delivered at the highest quality and optimal bitrate for bandwidth, transport and storage efficiencies across the multiscreen landscape, while meeting the stringent security requirements specific to hosting and streaming UHD content to target devices.
Deluxe has developed expertise in HEVC encoding, and performs UHD mastering, encoding and distribution – the company claims its capability to accept and process both native 4K and telecine content is unique.
To process, transcode and distribute high-quality, device-ready UHD-optimized files, content will undergo rigorous testing and quality analysis of frame rates, bitrates, color or resolutions, as well as software decoding to ensure that the playback experience is optimized on the target devices.
High-quality video requires high-quality audio, the company said. To that end, Deluxe said it is collaborating with DTS to deliver the best audio and video experience.