Many hotel guests lured in by the comforting amenities their hotel has to offer that range from the hotel’s facilities to a comfy bed, hot shower, and continental breakfast. But above all, most people just want their hotel stay to feel like a night in their own bedroom. And while hotel’s try to offer options through TV and movie packages and WiFi availability, today’s offerings just fall short.
Dish is aiming to change that with its new EVOLVE platform, a 4K-capable Android TV “set-back” box that integrates streaming apps, live linear programming, and casting into one customizable solution for hotels. The solution is compatibile with a variety of media options, including the Google Play Store and Chromecast, and comes with features including an advanced program guide and channel preview, configuration tools, and personalized message integration. EVOLVE also supports Bluetooth LE with audio and 4K capabilities.
“Today’s guest is used to a TV experience at home that combines their favorite streaming apps with linear, high-definition programming,” says Alistair Chatwin, director of DISH Business. “With EVOLVE and SMARTBOX, all hotel operators can now deliver the intuitive and streamlined entertainment that guests have come to expect at home, while reducing costs, increasing performance, and saving space across their properties.”
EVOLVE is designed to work with any hotel wiring scenario across existing or upgraded infrastructures. The system supports video delivery over QAM or IP, and internet connectivity over DOCSIS, Ethernet, or WiFi (2.4/5 GHz). EVOLVE is powered by the SMARTBOX hardened video distribution platform for commercial applications, DISH’s all-in-one commercial property television solution.
Dish’s announcement follow’s AT&T’s rollout earlier this week of its new StayCast solution, which lets users stream content from their personal device and cast it to their hotel room TV. More on that here. The carrier followed up with a release on Tuesday stating it will offer free equipment for DirecTV’s advanced HD entertainment systems to hotels, universities, senior living, healthcare facilities, and other properties starting August 1. Details here.