Darnell Group’s first-edition analysis, “DC-DC Converter ICs: Power System in Package, Worldwide Technology Trends, Forecasts and Competitive Environment” identifies and quantifies where PSiP products are encroaching certain dc-dc converter IC markets and could replace traditional solutions over the next five years. The total Worldwide PSiP dollar market is projected to grow from approximately $65 million in 2011 to $284 million in 2016, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 34.4%. High growth rates are expected for all the application segments targeted by companies making PSiP products.
This report provides a detailed and quantitative analysis of the global market for Power System in Package (PSiP) dc-dc converter modules. In many instances, unit sales, dollar sales and pricing trends are discussed. This 77-page quantitative analysis includes 12 Tables and 28 Figures. Topics covered include: Definitions and Factors Driving Adoption, System Maker Demand Characteristics, IC Developments and Packaging Trends, Materials Challenges, Application Demand Characteristics, Worldwide PSiP Forecasts, Commercial Development, and Competitive Overview.