Working together to meet global infrastructure needs through practical engineering solutions
ITT Corporation has announced a partnership with Engineers Without Borders USA, an organization that partners with communities around the globe to develop sustainable solutions for basic infrastructure needs.
ITT’s initial $10,000 contribution will help fund ongoing EWB-USA initiatives and support a current infrastructure project underway in Usalama, Kenya.
“At ITT, engineering is at the core of who we are and what we do—that is why we are excited to partner with an organization like Engineers Without Borders USA that is dedicated to driving sustainable change through practical engineering solutions,” said Denise Ramos, chief executive officer and president of ITT.
ITT’s partnership could support EWB-USA projects that harness solar energy to power local health clinics, construct bridges to provide access to local markets, and build new schools and educational facilities in communities across the world.
“We are thrilled that ITT has chosen to partner with Engineers Without Borders USA to help tackle challenging projects across the globe and create lasting change in the communities we work with,” said Cathy Leslie, executive director of EWB-USA. “ITT’s support will help EWB-USA realize its vision – a world in which the communities we serve have the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs.”