A lot of people wait until the first of year to set goals and make life changes, but I think the change of seasons is a good time to think about these things, especially when it comes to energy use and saving strategies. Heating and cooling account for roughly 43% of an average home’s energy use, so as the weather changes, how you use and save much of the energy for your home will obviously change as well.

It’s for these reasons that we created the seasonal Energy Savers Web site, which teaches you to stay cool and save money in the spring and summer, and stay warm and save money in the fall and winter.

Since tomorrow is officially the first day of fall, it’s time to think about how you’ll stay warm and comfortable without spending a lot of money. Even if it still feels like summer where you live, cold weather is on the way for many of us, and it’s important to be prepared.

In addition to the first day of fall, the start of Energy Awareness Month in October makes this a great time to really focus on saving energy. DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) has materials that encourage everyone to “Take Aim for Clean Energy.”

While FEMP is focusing on promoting energy savings at federal facilities, we at Energy Savers would like to encourage you to think about energy savings where ever you may be—at work, at home, or at school—and consider starting your own energy-saving campaign for Energy Awareness Month. Some of the materials that you can download directly from FEMP’s Energy Awareness Month site will help you get started.

Let us know in the comments how you plan to save energy this fall, and how you plan to observe Energy Awareness Month.

Allison Casey is a senior communicator at DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, which assists EERE in providing technical content for many of its Web sites.