Valpey Fisher Corporation is showcasing its extensive line of products for military, avionics, and satellite communications at MILCOM 2011 booth #2025 taking place on November 7-10, 2011 in Baltimore, Maryland USA.
At MILCOM 2011, Valpey Fisher is introducing and showcasing two new High Reliability/Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) products:
1) VFH5070
High Reliability Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO) – offering wide pull range (±100 ppm) for military applications, available across the military temperature range of -55°C to +125°C in a 5.0 x 7.0 mm SMD package.
2) VFH3225
The industry’s smallest size (3.2 x 2.5 mm) High Reliability/ COTS oscillator offers outstanding performance for military applications where board space is at a premium and high temperature operation is a requirement.
These new products are the latest additions to Valpey Fisher’s extensive line of Hi-Rel/COTS oscillators (XO and VCXO) — designed for high performance in tough, environmentally challenging conditions typically associated with missioncritical applications including military communications, radar, countermeasures, munitions, and guidance systems.
In addition, Valpey Fisher is running a product giveaway at MILCOM 2011. Show attendees may enter a chance to win Valpey Fisher VF-1203D Matched Phase Broadband RF Distribution Amplifier by visiting Valpey Fisher at booth
#2025 and dropping their business card into a military helmet from which a lucky winner will be drawn at the end of the MILCOM exhibition. The VF-1203D provides high performance distribution of frequency references for lab or system
use, with very low channel-to-channel phase skew, and very low phase change temperature co-efficient.
With more than eight decades of innovation and proven reliability, Valpey Fisher components and subsystems are widely integrated and deployed into systems and programs including:
– Avionics
– Communications
– Electronics
– Global Positioning Systems
– Navigation Systems and Technology/Devices
– Radio Frequency (RF)
– Satellite Communications and Systems
– Telecommunications
– Wireless Communications and Technology
For more information on Valpey Fisher’s innovative products please visit
Posted by Janine E. Mooney, Editor
November 7, 2011