Hitachi Communication Technologies America (HCTA) has debuted a new line of ONUs for the company’s DePON fiber access systems that utilize the low cost and high bandwidth available with PON, while enabling cable ops to keep their existing DOCSIS provisioning and management systems.
The new products support voice, video, data and wireless services for the creation of double-, triple- and quad-play subscriber bundles. Advanced software features in the new ONU family enable operators to offer high-bandwidth data services, along with voice and RF video, while preserving investments in CPE and existing management procedures.
The new ONUs comply with IEEE, MEF, ITU-T and CableLabs’ PacketCable Multimedia (PCMM) spec.
Meanwhile, Hitachi’s EPON solutions are supporting the growth of mobile backhaul and business services, the company announced.
“Our experience demonstrates that using EPON for fiber access to cell towers will deliver the quality, bandwidth and redundancy required for this rapidly growing application,” said Jeffrey Stribling, vice president of PLM and customer service for HCTA. He added, “Over the past two years, our EPON solutions have supported the growth of wireless offerings for service providers in key U.S. markets.”