On the HotSpot, brought to you by Memory Protection Devices:
- The patent-pending ParaShoot smart HD camera is a supercomputer that you can wear around your neck to capture your daily activities, and wirelessly upload them to the cloud.
- A new University of Utah study finds that hands-free technologies might make it easier for motorists to text, talk, and even use Facebook while they drive, but they also create dangerous mental distractions for drivers who keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road.
- A team of researchers at the University of Washington are leveraging Wi-Fi signals to detect movements without the need for sensors.
- Experts say there are steps anyone can take to improve privacy, but they only go so far; here are some basic tips from the AP to help enhance your privacy.
Do you have story ideas? Comment below or email wdd_web@advantagemedia.com we’ll cover them in an upcoming episode.