This week on WDD’s HotSpot:
The IoT Wine Dispenser
The smart wine dispenser, Somm, is embedded with technology that allows the dispensing unit to know exactly what wine is inside and adjust the temperature and aeration controls accordingly.
Frodo: The Lord of the Wearables
The Frodo Adventure Camera focuses on the simplicity of attaching a camera, shooting video, and sharing with viewers.
Wi-Fi That Finds You
A team at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has developed a system that enables a single wireless access point to accurately locate users down to a tenth of a meter, without any added sensors.
Google’s Self-Driving Cars to Hit Arizona
Most of Google’s 1.5 million miles of autonomous vehicle testing has taken place in California, but now, the company has announced that it’s expanding to Phoenix, Arizona to test how the cars can handle high temperatures and desert dust.