The science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) industries are some of the most important in the world. We rely on them immensely to create a better future for ourselves and our businesses, even if we don’t realize it outright.
However, because of this reliance on such crucial industries, it is important that the next generations are being adequately introduced into these core subjects from an early age, giving them the means, the motivation and the passion that some of the greatest figures in STEM subject history have possessed.
The Education System and Employability
The education system is the most obvious place to start. The majority of children within a school system in Europe are required to study maths and science from the moment that they begin their journey through their educated lives. Although these subjects will only cover basic principles, it’s a great way for children to start getting involved with two of the STEM related subjects and show a possible genuine interest in them.
However, one of the main issues that many potential young STEM subject students come across is that there are a small amount of jobs into the industry at entry level, with some intense competition from other, possibly more experienced individuals. Sadly, no experience generally means no opportunity of a job in many industries.
Switzerland seem to have found the perfect counter to this issue in the form of providing paid work for students requiring entry-level positions within their chosen industry. Offering students entry level, paid positions which coincide with the path of education that they have chosen gives those individuals access to some of the most crucial industry experience that many young people are currently lacking.
The positions that these businesses offer to the students aren’t over paid, but they are paid a fair monthly wage which increases as they gain more knowledge and expertise throughout their course of learning. They are usually entry level jobs which are similar to the positions that young candidates are looking for in other parts of Europe, meaning they will be working their way up the industry ladder from the bottom under the care of a much more senior employee.
This system has proved exceedingly successful, leaving Switzerland with a pool of talent who are able to walk into a variety of entry level—and even above entry level — positions immediately after completing their studies. This is partly because of the way in which this unique apprenticeship system is designed – to run alongside their studies, so that they have access to the industry experience they require while still maintaining their education.
Can STEM Industries Learn From This?
In order to inspire the next generation of STEM experts, there are aspects that could be involved from all the related industries. The main one is that more businesses should aim to work alongside the education systems that are working hard to give the next generation the knowledge and passion required to take on the huge task of designing our future.
Taking inspiration from the successful apprenticeship system which is in place in Switzerland is a fantastic place to start. If more young STEM students are given the opportunity to experience and train in the industry and career that they are working towards, there would no longer be any worry that there aren’t enough young engineers, technicians, mathematicians and scientists to see the world’s technology and way of life adapt and change in the future.
Many EU countries are currently attempting to appeal to the younger generation and get them more involved with STEM subjects. One such example is the UK’s first Robotics Week this coming June, which aims to target school children and get them more involved with the engineering and technology industries by hosting various educational events and competitions which are only open to children aged 4-17.
STEM industries are our future, and it is becoming increasingly more important that the younger generations are actively encouraged to become involved in these crucial subjects to keep our world advancing at a respectable pace. It is hoped that more businesses become more actively involved in this encouragement to really boost the hope for our future generations to come.