While service providers and consumer electronics companies are just starting to settle in on 802.11ac, Huawei said it had successfully achieved the industry’s first 10 Gbps Wi-Fi speeds in laboratory trials at its campus in Shenzhen, China.
Using the emerging 802.11ax standard, Huawei said it achived a record transmission data rate of 10.53 Gbps on the 5 GHz frequency band during its lab trial. To achieve the record transmissioin rate, Huawei said it used MIMO-OFDA, intelligence spectrum allocation, interference coordination and hybrid access.
Huawei said the faster Wi-Fi, which would be 10 times faster than the existing Wi-Fi services available today, could become commercially available in 2018 pending the agreement of global standards requirements and sufficient chipset availability.
At the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 WLAN standard plenary meeting earlier this month in Hawaii, Dr. Osama Aboul Magd from Huawei was elected as the 802.11ax WLAN standard task group chair to focus on the development of the next generation 10 Gbps Wi-Fi standard planned for commercial launch in 2018.
Huawei Technologies and ZTE have come under fire both here and abroad over concerns that they pose security and cyber attack risks to governmental agencies and businesses.
Videotron and Cablevision are among the cable operators that have deployed 802.11ac routers and gateways in subscribers’ homes.