Comcast and DirecTV are butting heads over the fees associated with the carriage of Comcast’s G4 channel by the satellite provider.
The current deal expires at the end of this month, but the two sides are at loggerheads, according to the Los Angeles Times. Comcast’s G4 channel caters to the gaming culture and is targeted toward young men.
“G4 offered DirecTV the same basic deal we have had for the past three years. However, they still plan to drop the network and deny G4 fans the only network that focuses on the popular gaming lifestyle,” according to a G4 spokeswoman who was quote by the Times.
According to the Times story, DirecTV pays roughly 5 cents per month for each subscriber to Comcast to carry G4.
Last year, DirecTV dropped Comcast’s Versus sports channel after the two sides couldn’t come to terms, but after a nearly seven-month stalemate, a new accord was reached.