Following in the footsteps of other service providers, Dish Network will launch its own TV Everywhere Web portal on Tuesday.
The New York Times reported that the nation’s second-largest satellite provider will show some free clips on the Web portal, which is called, but most of the TV shows and movies are available only to Dish’s subscribers after they authenticate themselves., like Comcast’s Fancast Web portal, also allows its users to set their DVR recordings online.
The beta version of the Web portal lists CBS, USA, Fox, ABC, NBC, the History Channel, MTV, TNT and Comedy Central as content providers. There’s also an option for Dish subscribers to browse more than 5,000 movie titles that can be rented onto DVRs once a selection has been made. The site doesn’t say if the movies can be viewed online.
In addition to Comcast, Dish rivals, including Time Warner Cable, Verizon and AT&T, and more recently Charter, have TV Everywhere-type offerings in front of their customers, but what sets Dish apart is its Sling technology that can be used to send content to multiple devices. Dish outlined its TV Everywhere strategy and equipment at CES in January.