DELO Industrial Adhesives’ new light curing DELO-KATIOBOND product lineup has been engineered specifically for exceptionally fast seal-bonding functions in the production of microelectronics including micro switches widely used in the automobile industry. Curing to initial strength in just seconds with easy dispensability, DELO-KATIOBOND adhesives were developed as a highly reliable yet cost-effective alternative to more complex heat-curing or two-component epoxy resins and other bonding agents that require a significant capital investment in large oven lines that generate large electricity bills. DELO-KATIONBOND adhesives do not require a toxic solvent to adjust viscosity properties.
Each DELO-KATIOBOND is solvent free and requires no mixing. Standard DELO-KATIOBOND products are available with various viscosities, enabling the selection of the appropriate flow characteristic – from capillary to steady – to suit any application. DELO-KATIOBOND adhesives can be applied with various dispensing systems, or by screen printing and stencil printing for two-dimensional application or spraying for two- or three-dimensional application. Fast processing and curing make them well-suited for automated mass production and seal-bonding small components. The chemical structure enables short-time heat resistant stresses up to +300 °C (e. g. in soldering processes). DELO-KATIOBOND is available in graded flexibilities from hard to tension-equalizing and have a dry surface after curing.