This is the first of two parks contracted with the Government of Cape Verde
The park can be expanded in 2.5 more MW
PV Modules were produced by Martifer Solar at its plant in Oliveira de Frades, Portugal
Martifer Solar, owned by Martifer SGPS, SA, and the Ministry of Economy, Growth and Competitiveness of Cape Verde (MECC) has inaugurated today the first of two solar parks contracted in January. The Prime Minister of Cape Verde, Dr. José Maria das Neves, presided the inauguration ceremony.
Installed on fixed structures, this park, located in Ilha do Sal, is a turnkey project entirely developed by Martifer Solar and it uses PV panels produced in its plant in Oliveira de Frades, Portugal.
The installation occupies an area of 9.75 hectares and has 2.5 MW peak power, with the possibility of a 2.5 MW expansion capacity until 2014. This park, so far is the biggest PV Central in the African continent.
The second park, which will be inaugurated in November, is located in Ilha de Santiago and will have 5MW peak power capacity.
The two parks will ensure the production of four per cent of the total electricity produced in the archipelago and will avoid the emission of 13 thousand tons of CO2 per year.
“It is an honour for us to participate in this project, since it is extremely important for Cape Verde. The energy produced in the new parks will allow a significant improvement in the quality of life of its people”, says Henrique Rodrigues, CEO of Martifer Solar.