MediaTek announced its first 64-bit Octa-core processor, the MT6795, supports 2K (2560 x 1600) displays. Previously, MediaTek announced two other 64-bit products, MT6732 and MT6752, which support HD and full HD, respectively. The new processor is targeting the high-end 4G smartphone segment, and is expected to be in devices by Q4 2014. According to Smartphone Quarterly, 2K displays are expected to account for 3.1% of smartphone shipments in 2014 and 7.5% in 2015.
What makes MT6795 unique is not the support of 2K display but the support of 2K display running at 120Hz refresh rate as opposed to the 60Hz more commonly found in smartphones. The increase in refresh rate also means twice as much data needs to be processed and improvement of visual experience while watching videos and even user interface. Meanwhile, the solution needs to have excellent power management and heat dissipation to maintain the expected performance.
Although the MT6795 does not have the most advanced specifications in every aspect, it certainly puts pressure on the mobile SoC leader, Qualcomm. The MT6795 is a more advanced version of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 610, in terms of the 120Hz 2K display support, but does not have LTE category 6/7 (downlink data rate at 301.5Mbps) support and 4K primary display support. However, the industry is still arguing whether consumers can tell the difference between 2K and 4K displays on a smartphone display. With only LTE category 4 (downlink data rate at 150.8 Mbps) support, the MT6795 might have limited success in the premium segment in more developed markets, where MediaTek has only a limited footprint.