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Counting pulses from external source PIC16F877a – I am planning to do a very simple LED fading using atmega328p via Atmel Studio. Below is my code, I used the 8-bit timer using TCCR0A control register. I also set WGM02 in TCCR0B so OCR0A will be the TOP value of the TCNT. Can anyone help me why I am not getting any output? I already defined the DDR but still no luck. Read more
Water level sensor circuit for wireless monitoring – I am involved in a project called wireless water level controlling / monitoring system. I previously designed wired water level controller its works good but now I plan to design a wireless one using low power RF one transceiver in the tank and one in the motor side. Read more
Using DAC on PIC16F1503 – We have written this C code (XC8 compiler by Microchip) for PIC16F1503. All it is supposed to do is repetitively read the voltage from the opamp and then every 10 seconds or so it will give out a voltage on the DAC output which is representative of the maximum level of the voltage read on the ADC input. However, the DAC output is just always giving zero volts. Read more
AD9834 DDS function generator – I want to make a DDS function generator and need some help regarding the procedure and schematic. Read more
NTC thermistor interface to MCU – I read temperature using NTC 10k, beta 3950 and connect resistance 10k in series but it is n’t accurate for more than 5 degrees. How do I get accurate readings for wider range? Read more
GSM response differs every time with PIC16f877a – I’m working PIC16f877a microcontroller (xc8 compiler,20MHz crystal and 9600 baud rate, Sim800 module). I succeed in sending sms to GSM but the problem is GSM response is varying each time. Read more
General SPI troubleshooting – I am using a PIC18F26K40 to run a NRF24L01 over SPI. It works as expected. Trying to use PIC16F18326 to run a NRF24L01 over SPI. It doesn’t work. I am using pretty much the same code as the 18F. It is generated by MCC. The main differences are the microcontroller, and the pins that are being mapped via PPS. I have tried various things but I have run out of options to fault find it. Read more
8-bit LCD interfacing with PIC 18F4523 – I am working on PIC 18f4523 with MPLAB X IDE XC8 compiler. I am using 16×2 LCD which is connected to PORTD, and the RS, RW, EN pins of LCD are connected to PORTB. I have written simple code for LCD interfacing and there is no any syntax error in my code. The code builds successfully, but when I am trying it on hardware the bbacklightof LCD only glows. that means there is some problem in the initialization of LCD. Read more
Can’t make a very simple LED fading work – I am planning to do a very simple LED fading using atmega328p via Atmel Studio. Below is my code, I used the 8-bit timer using TCCR0A control register. I also set WGM02 in TCCR0B so OCR0A will be the TOP value of the TCNT. Can anyone help me why I am not getting any output? I already defined the DDR but still no luck. Read more
Regarding ARM microcontrollers – I am interested in learning ARM microcontrollers. I did some searching and this has raised a few questions in my mind. Requesting anyone who is working with ARM uCs to pls. address these queries: Read more
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