“It features a power consumption as small as 10mW, and its drive voltage is also as small as several volts,” the company said.
At the exhibition site, Mitsumi used the MEMS mirror to scan a green laser and projected images with a resolution of 512 x 512 pixels and a frame rate of 60fps. The mirror and the laser device are mounted in a module measuring 46 x 18 x 13mm. The company has not yet decided when to commercialize the MEMS mirror.
Mitsumi’s PZT thin film is formed by spin-coat technology.
“Compared with a sputtering method, the variation of properties can be easily reduced,” the company said.
The prototyped MEMS mirror measures approximately 8.7 x 6.4 x 0.5mm, and the diameter of the mirror is 1mm. When a light with a wavelength of 450mm is irradiated, the reflectance ratio is more than 85%. The mirror can be driven with frequencies of 30kHz in the horizontal direction and 60Hz in the vertical direction.