Alex Chen, Taiwanese Regional Manager, recently became a member of the Semi Taiwan MEMS Committee to actively contribute to the success of the Asian MEMS industry.
The Semi Taiwan MEMS Committee is dedicated to accommodating the special needs of the MEMS industry in Taiwan and influences over all of Asia. The committee is chaired by Dr. Min-Shyong Lin, APM, and consists of members from MEMS manufacturing companies, as well as from the MEMS equipment vendors. It is a sub-committee of the official IC industry committee, which provides suggestions on behalf of the MEMS industry.
The mission of the MEMS committee is to help solve common industry issues, and excel its business and networking opportunities throughout the supply chain. During the last committee meeting, Mr. Alex Chen gave a presentation about the “Future Challenges of MEMS test and calibration”.
The presentation is available for viewing and/or downloading at .
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About Multitest
Multitest (headquartered in Rosenheim, Germany) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of test equipment for semiconductors. Multitest markets test handlers, contactors, and ATE printed circuit boards. Globally, more than 700 employees serve the company’s customers in offices and branches in North America, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, China and Thailand.