The engineering and construction company M+W Group (until 2009: M+W Zander) has established a new subsidiary. M+W Solar GmbH with its headquarters in Stuttgart (Germany) is set to bundle and advance the business of development, planning and realization of photovoltaic (PV) power plants.
As of 1 September 2010 Robert Gattereder, who has many years of experience in the solar industry, will be heading the new business unit. M+W Solar will first participate at the PVSEC 2010 in Valencia/Spain from 6 to 9 September, where the M+W Group will present its comprehensive solutions for the complete solar value chain in Hall 3/2 at booth No. B15. In the solar sector the Group’s scope of services ranges from silicon production (as a partner of Schmidt Silicon Technology Holding) to factories for PV cells and modules to PV power plants and concentrating solar power (CSP).
M+W Group Awarded Solar Industry Award 2010 as ‘Turnkey Company of the Year’
The international magazine ‘SOLAR – A PV Management Magazine’ has awarded the M+W Group the SOLAR Industry Award 2010 as ‘Turnkey Company of the Year’. The award ceremony will be held during the PVSEC trade fair in Valencia on 7 September 2010.
For years the group has been global market leader in design and construction of energy- and cost-efficient plants for the manufacturing of thin-film modules and crystalline wafers, cells and modules. Since it entered the market in 2000 the company has designed and built PV fabs with a total capacity of more than 7.7 Gigawatt throughout the world. As regards PV power plants M+W Group has announced in July the construction of a 14.5 Megawatt power plant in Central Italy as its latest major project.
CEO Jürgen Wild: More Growth in International Solar Business
On the occasion of the foundation of M+W Solar Jürgen Wild, CEO of the M+W Group, said: “With the establishment of M+W Solar we want to advance our global position in the construction of photovoltaic power plants and achieve additional growth – as we have achieved with PV fabs. The fact that we are awarded the Solar Industry Award 2010 shows that we are seen as a leading international partner for the solar industry.”
About M+W Group ( M+W Group (until 2009: M+W Zander) is the leading global partner for engineering, construction and project management in the fields of Advanced Technology Facilities, the Life Science Industries, Energy & Environment Technologies and High-Tech Infrastructure. From concept development to turnkey services the company manages projects of all sizes ensuring flexibility, rapid realization and cost-effective completion. With its competence to link process technology, automation and complex facilities to integrated solutions M+W Group primarily focuses on leading electronics, life science, photovoltaic, chemical, automobile and communication companies, as well as research institutes and universities. M+W Group GmbH is the holding company with headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. In 2009 M+W Group generated an order intake of 1.56 billion euros and revenues of 1.27 billion euros with a workforce of approximately 4380 employees.
M+W Group is owned by the Austrian Stumpf Group that is globally successful in the areas of High-Tech Engineering, Smart & Renewable Energy, Real Estate and Technology Investments.
Press contact:
Michael Gemeinhardt
Phone: +49 (0) 711 8804-1420