Netflix released its ISP Speed Index for February, and Bright House jumped six spots to third place with an average speed of 3.69 Mbps. That’s up from 3.53 Mbps in January. Time Warner Cable, which shares a network with Bright House, climbed two spots to eighth place with an average speed of 3.54 Mbps, up from 3.39 Mbps.
Verizon FiOS remains at the top of the Netflix leaderboard for February, with Cox at number two.
As Netflix’s Anne Marie Squeo points out in a blog, the ISP Speed Index is a measure of primetime Netflix performance on a particular ISP and not a measure of overall performance for other services/data that may travel across the specific ISP network. “Faster Netflix performance generally means better picture quality, quicker start times and fewer interruptions,” the company notes.