In Arizona, Cottonwood and Clarkdale are now Gigabit cities with the recent launch of Cable ONE’s GigaONE service. The company says its newest speed is 40 times faster than the average speed currently offered across the United States, and reportedly will be available to the majority of Cable ONE customers by the end of 2016.
“GigaONE will support the technology needs of the communities we serve, now and in the future,” Joe Felbab, VP of marketing for Cable ONE, says. “We are excited to be able to offer Gigabit service to nearly 1.5 million homes in the markets we serve.”
Cable ONE says it has invested more than a half billion dollars over the past five years on network upgrades and enhancements.
“Unlike many of our competitors, Gigabit service will be available to all of our customers — not just a select few in certain areas. We’ve been committed for decades to serving smaller cities and towns, and we are delighted to provide them with the latest technology to make them Gigabit cities in 2016,” Felbab adds.