Amacoil has designed a parts scanning platform which moves
in a reciprocating motion pattern using the Uhing linear drive. The linear
motion of the platform is backlash-free. Reversal is automatic without
requiring an electronic control system or reversal of the drive motor.
Additionally, the automatic reversal mechanism is designed to dissipate forward
momentum at the reversal points, ensuring smooth reversal without jarring or
A control knob on the assembly enables adjustments to linear
speed—without clutches, cams, or gears—while the system is running. Length of
travel may be increased or decreased using adjustable end stops. There is no
programming and no hydraulics or pneumatics. The only maintenance required is
periodic shaft lubrication.
Designed for a PCB measurement/cleaning process, the
assembly may also be used for scanning barcodes on parts and in other
applications requiring repetitive back-and-forth movement. Components are
precision-machined to limit vertical and horizontal movement of the platform to
within 0.001 inches. Amacoil will customize the platform to meet specific
application requirements or OEM design needs.