PVC filter monitors from Orange Research measure
differential pressure to check the health of filter media in filtration
equipment for water and corrosive liquids. The lower cost, smaller size
monitors can save hundreds of dollars over the life of a system by indicating
the optimum time to clean or replace filters. Savings can be even greater when major
components are at risk.
The easy-to-read dial models have benefits not offered by
two pressure gauges. The single dial simplifies training, installation, and
maintenance while reducing operator errors. Reduced size and cost offer an
effective filter optimization solution.
The filter monitors are available with 1 or 2.5 in. diameter
durable plastic dial cases. Switches are standard options to alert users of
alarm conditions. Transmitter and switch versions are available on request. The
PVC bodies and wetted parts improve compatibility and assure long service life.
The bodies are rated at up to 150 psi line pressure and are conveniently small
sized, measuring 1 in. D x 1.5 in. H x 1.5 in. W.
Precision made piston sensors handle differential pressure
ranges from 0-10 to 0-30 psid, covering most filter monitoring applications.
Accuracy is 5% full scale and each unit is calibrated to NIST (National
Institute of Standards and Technology) standards.