RCN Business is providing fiber connectivity for the American Registry for Internet Numbers’ (ARIN) biannual public policy and member meeting this week in Chicago.
RCN Business is helping provision the live webcasts, live transcripts, chat rooms and remote voting for attendees of ARIN 33. ARIN 33 focuses on policy and technical issues and draws attendees from multiple industries, including ISPs, network and wholesale service providers, universities, Internet bodies and U.S. and other government organizations responsible for Internet and IP address assignment.
“ARIN 33 wouldn’t have been possible without reliable network sponsors to support connectivity for attendees, both onsite and off,” said Nate Davis, chief operating officer of ARIN. “We had a complex list of sophisticated networking needs for the meeting, including IPv6 capability, and we were pleased RCN Business supported the ARIN community in this way.”
ARIN 33 started Sunday and concludes tomorrow.
“RCN Business is pleased to provide network connectivity for ARIN 33 across our wholly-owned fiber network,” said Tom McKay, general manager and senior vice president at RCN. “As an ARIN member, this is a great opportunity to support an event that benefits the Internet community. Chicago is one of RCN Business’ major markets, and for ARIN 33, we leveraged our ubiquitous network in Chicago to deliver high-capacity fiber for the event.”
RCN Business serves the Boston, Chicago, Lehigh Valley, Philadelphia, New York and Washington, D.C. markets. RCN Business recently received the Metro Ethernet Forum’s Carrier Ethernet 2.0 certification for its E-Line, E-LAN and E-Access services.