RCN Corp. has hired Randy Nungester as its new vice president and general manager for RCN Pennsylvania, and it has rolled its “Analog Crush” digital conversion project into the same area, as well.
RCN has been aggressively reclaiming analog bandwidth for additional HD channels and other services across its footprint by going all-digital. Analog Crush is slated to start in September in RCN’s Lehigh Valley, Pa., system. The first digital conversion is expected to start in Allentown, with subsequent rollouts taking place community by community.
“We are committed to providing our customers with an enhanced service experience and connecting them to something more. Our ongoing commitment is to offer the largest selection of movies, HD content, and local and free programming choices on RCN video-on-demand and provide the fastest, most reliable high-speed Internet service in the Lehigh Valley,” said Nungester. “Our customers will be receiving even more outstanding cable TV value than that which they’ve come to expect from RCN.”
RCN said it will notify its customers in the affected areas at least 30 days in advance, and then provide additional notifications right up until the service is converted to digital.
The benefits of the conversion to RCN’s subscribers include: an expanded basic lineup, 100 percent digital picture quality and a new interactive program guide. The new all-digital lineup will include more international programming choices and more VOD content, as well as more flexible channel packages to chose from.
Prior to RCN, Nungester was president and COO of Columbus Sports Network. Before that, he was senior vice president and general manager for WideOpenWest in Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio. He has also held various executive roles at Cablevision Systems, Staples Communications, Cablevision Industries and TCI/TAFT Cable Partners.