Rep Michael Honda, Congressional representative of Silicon Valley and member of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, is reintroducing the Smart Electronics Act, to address the greenhouse gas impacts and energy costs of proliferation of electronic devices throughout the world, and the Nanotechnology Advancement and New Opportunities (NANO) Act.
“This proliferation of electronic devices,” said Rep Honda, “if not made more energy efficient, will undermine efforts to increase energy security and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. The answer to this problem will not be found in stemming the tide of electronic gadget envy, no matter how functional or entertaining the device. The answer is found in better devices that are built more efficiently and run on less energy. Importantly, this legislation helps us green the electronics industry by providing the private sector with reliable standards and incentives and by educating and empowering consumers to make smarter and more efficient choices – all of which help cool the planet.”