Adobe’s latest 4Q Digital Video Benchmark Report shows TV Everywhere (TVE) continuing on a healthy expansion curve.
TVE video viewing growth doubled year-over-year, and there were some particularly bright spots for cable and broadcast TV’s regular episodic content. Views of that particular category grew 111%, which marked the highest year-over-year growth for the first time.
“This is the first time we’ve seen that,” Becky Tasker, managing analyst at Adobe Digital Index, points out in a statement. “We think it’s because of some of these fall TV premieres and people waiting to watch when it’s most convenient for them instead of when it broadcasts on the actual cable channel.”
Another interesting stat was that TV-connected devices had a 21 percent share of TVE authentications, which was up from 16 percent for the same quarter in 2014. So, that’s up by a third.
The report is based on anonymous and aggregated data (134 billion total online video starts; 3.6 billion TVE authentications; data from 300+ sites and apps acting as TVE access points).