Hamamatsu Photonics introduces a new streak
camera series for UV to near-infrared measurements of extremely fast light
phenomena. The C10910 series simultaneously delivers intensity vs. time vs.
position (or wavelength) information with single-photon sensitivity and
temporal resolution down to 1 ps. With such capabilities, these streak cameras
are suitable for measuring fast fluorescence lifetimes, response times of
quantum devices, electron bunch length and stability for synchrotron and LINAC
applications and most photonic applications requiring high temporal resolution.
The C10910 cameras are versatile, ultra
high-speed detectors. They are sensitive at a wide range of wavelengths (from
UV to NIR), depending on the streak tube’s photocathode selection. In addition,
the C10910 can be configured with various plug-in modules to optimise specific
measurement needs. For example, the streak camera can detect one-shot events or
repetitive phenomena in the GHz domain by selecting the appropriate sweep
plug-in module. For added flexibility, there are two high-sensitivity CCD
camera readout options to choose from, depending on the frame rate and data
acquisition requirements.
Also available are various peripheral
devices for the streak camera, such as spectrographs for time-resolved
spectroscopy applications and optical delay and triggering units to assist in
synchronising with various light sources.