The U.S. advertising market seems to be rebounding, with the strongest recovery in the broadcast TV, Internet and mobile sectors.
Ranked by ad spending, cable TV is now the second-largest sector, largely because of the flight of ad dollars from newspapers. Cable TV is projected to take in a total of about $30.2 billion in 2011, gradually growing to $55.1 billion in 2019.

SNL Kagan senior analyst Derek Baine notes: “New media, such as mobile and Internet advertising, continues to boom, while old media, particularly print, is increasingly losing its relevance. Dollars are shifting into new platforms and those drawing the most eyeballs, such as cable TV.”
According to SNL Kagan, the total U.S. advertising market is projected to rebound 2.8 percent to $210.5 billion in 2010, following two consecutive years of declines.
This data and more detailed analyses are available in SNL Kagan’s new study, “Advertising Forecasts: U.S. Market Trends & Data for All Major Media.”