Custom MMIC has announced the CMD292, a wideband GaAs MMIC distributed driver amplifier die which operates from DC to 30 GHz. The amplifier delivers 13 dB of gain with a corresponding output 1 dB compression point of +27 dBm and output IP3 of 33 dBm at 15 GHz. The CMD292 is a 50 ohm matched […]
GaAs digital step attenuators from DC-40 GHz
The DSA family of GaAs digital step attenuators is intended to ease the design of high dynamic range receivers and instrumentation. These applications often must accomplish gain control of 50dB or more. Fine step DSAs (e.g., 0.5dB Least Significant Bit [LSB]) are often used for these applications. However, when a large attenuation change is needed, it […]
New low noise amplifier and phase shifter MMICs added to line
Custom MMIC has added to their LNA and Phase Shifter MMIC portfolio with the CMD270P3 and CMD174. The CMD270P3 is a C Band, 4-8 GHz low noise amplifier housed in a leadless 3×3 mm plastic surface mount package. The LNA delivers greater than 16 dB of gain with a corresponding output 1 dB compression point of +18 […]