Fox Electronics, a leading global supplier of frequency
control solutions, recently increased its range of watch crystals with a new
tuning fork. The FX122 is approximately 33% smaller than previous models,
measuring just 2.1 x 1.3 mm with a very low profile of 0.6 mm. The miniature
size of the FX122 watch crystal makes it ideal for portable and handheld devices
where space is critical.
With a frequency of 32.768 kHz, the surface mount device is
optimized for a standard 12.5 pF load capacitance, with an optional load
capacitance of 9 pF available. Frequency tolerance is ±20 PPM at 25°C and
frequency stability is -0.04 ppm/(change in C°)2 over the standard operating
temperature of -40 to 85°C.
Turnover temperature range is 20 to 30°C and storage
temperature is -55 to 125°C. Maximum equivalent series resistance of the FX122
crystal is 90 k ohm and insulation resistance is 500 megaohm at 100 VDC. Aging
is ±3 PPM per year. The termination finish is gold over nickel.
The watch crystal is RoHS-compliant and comes standard
in a 3,000-unit tape and reel for automatic assembly systems.