Time Warner Cable continues on its “TWC Maxx” mission, with its latest deployment news coming from North Carolina. The operator announced that first wave of customers in the Triad (Greensboro, Winston Salem and High Point) now have up to 300 Mbps.
Starting this week, TWC says its Internet customers in Archdale, Asheboro and High Point will receive the faster Internet speeds as part of the first phase of the rollout. All customers throughout the remainder of the Triad will see their speeds increase by the end of summer 2016.
“Our customers have asked for faster Internet speeds, and we’re now able to provide these faster speeds at no additional cost to all of our customers across the Triad,” Darrel Hegar, regional vice president of operations at Time Warner Cable, says. “This is just the beginning of the benefits customers will see from our TWC Maxx initiative that will enhance our Internet, video and reliability.”
Along with TWC Maxx, the company has rolled out more than 3,300 TWC WiFi Hotspots located both in outdoor areas and in indoor small business locations throughout the Triad, including restaurants, cafes, salons and shopping malls. More hotspots to be added through 2016, TWC reports.