By redefining the meaning of a PwrSoC from “Power Supply on Chip” to “Power System on Chip,” and extending the definition of the “chip” itself, the Second International Workshop on Power Supply on Chip (PwrSoC ’10) (hosted by the Tyndall National Institute in Cork Ireland) featured many speakers from both industry and academia who indicated that the technology was moving forward and is much closer to commercial realization.
“By redefining the application, we have effectively redefined the solution in such a way that current PwrSoC technology offers enough efficiency that commercial products can be envisioned in the near future,” stated Dr. Cian Ó Mathúna, originator of the workshop concept, General Chair of the event and Director of the Microsystems Centre at Tyndall. “Until now, we’ve been severely challenged to achieve the high efficiencies demanded by previous architectures. This new architecture is a game changer and promises a revolution in PwrSoC commercialization,” he concluded.