XP Power announced additions to its
extensive range of ultra compact low power DC/DC converters. The 15 Watt JCM15
comes in a tiny 1 x 1 in. metal package, with the 30 Watt JCK30 being available
in a metal case that measures just 2 x 1 in. These encapsulated PCB mounted
converters accommodate a wide 2:1 input voltage range, accepting either 9 to 18,
18 to 36, or 36 to 75 VDC, covering the nominal inputs of 12, 24, or 48 VDC.
Single output models provide 3.3, 5, 12, or 15 VDC, while the duals offer +/-5,
+/-12, or +/-15 VDC. All outputs are fully regulated to within +/- 0.5% over
all input and load conditions for the single output models and less than +/-
1.0% for the dual outputs.
The JCK30 can operate at full output power
from -40 to 50°C, and the JCM15 up to 65°C, without derating. With a maximum
case temperature of 105°C, no additional heat sinking or forced airflow is
required, making the converters suitable for most operating environments.
The convertors feature an input to output
and input/output to case isolation of 1,600 VDC for up to one minute. Both
models feature a remote on/off control line. This can be used to control the
output rails or to sequence start-up procedures. All units feature overvoltage
and continuous short circuit protection.