In a press release that seemingly just lacked legendary hype man Flavor Flav, Videotron unveiled its new “revolutionary” iPad app this week with features such as customized search recommendations and social media integration.
Videotron developed the newest version of its illico app for iPad, which it claimed was a first in Canada. All told, the app combines various features that other cable operators have previously deployed, but neatly ties them all together on an iPad.
“As everyone knows, innovation is in Videotron’s DNA,” said Manon Brouillette, president and CEO of Videotron. “Putting our customers in the driver’s seat, anticipating their needs, adapting to their lifestyle and pace—that is our daily challenge. We put ourselves in the user’s shoes in order to develop this revolutionary iPad app that provides a brand new way of accessing on-screen entertainment content.”
The app blends together various features for ease of use by Videotron’s subscribers. On the user interface side, it can organize titles by theme categories in order to find content quickly in the illico video catalogue. Over time, the app learns a viewer’s video tastes and makes personalized suggestions based on previous searches. (Comcast’s X1 platform features a similar capability.)
It further helps organize video content by allowing families to create user profiles for each member of the family. When a user opens up his or her profile, the app brings up a menu of content based on personalized settings.
The app also lets users pitch any content—VOD, live linear or a recorded show—from their iPads to their TV screens with one click. On the social media front, the app’s of windows lets users engage in conversations on social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, without switching away from the show their watching.
Want to learn more about a film prior to choosing it? The app lets viewers tap into online sources such as, Wikipedia and IMDb ratings. The app also connects with Videotrons’ streaming service, illico Club. The app gives Videotron users the ability to remotely control their DVR programming.
Videotron said the new version of its illico iPad app would be available soon at the Apple App Store in all parts of its Québec footprint.