* PCCW does MPEG-4 with Harmonic
Hong Kong provider PCCW is deploying Harmonic’s new DiviCom Electra 5400 standard definition MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) encoders for its entire IPTV channel lineup.
PCCW is using ICTV’s ActiveVideo Distribution Network, but has been sourcing much of its other equipment from Harmonic. PCCW previously purchased Harmonic’s Electra 5000 MPEG-2 encoders, and its VOD system is from Entone, a company Harmonic acquired in 2006. PCCW claims more than 700,000 IPTV subscribers.
* FiOS TV creeping across Maryland
Verizon’s FiOS TV rollout continues apace, with service now available to about 56,000 households scattered among nearly 30 different communities in Prince George’s County in Maryland.
“Prince George’s County residents now can kiss their cable company good-bye and say hello to a better choice for their TV service,” said William R. Roberts, president of Verizon Maryland.